Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Some MSDN Blogs of interest

Hello World,

This is actually a note to myself about some blogs that I found interesting (or more interesting, 'cause ideally I would love to be able to read everything there is on that site! - alas a day has only 24 hours : ))

Vishal Joshi’s Tangent (ASP.NET)

WebDev Blog 

Scott Hanselman

This very interesting post on universal providers (launched with VS 2012) - here
There is off course the perpetual favorite in Scott Guthrie's blog  

Performance tidbits by Rico Mariani

Then there is MSDN Blogs home : )  

Happy Coding

Monday, August 20, 2012

VS 2010 Dark Theme et al

Hello World!

              So I got a taste of dark theme while playing around with VS 2012 RC made available by our application life cycle maintenance team. It looks cool, and to be honest the greatest cool quotient is contributed by the fact that the theme is easy on the eye. For someone who stares at monitors almost the entire waking up day, that is a big one!
            I got down googling as to how I could get a good (tested : ) ) dark theme for VS 2010 and got these resources:
  1. Collection of themes for Visual studio:
  2. My personal favorite (thus far): Dark Studio
  3. Stackoverflow tip on how to import the theme HERE
 The reason I chose Dark Studio is very clear: keywords, comments and highlighting is legible. What I also discovered is that when you hover over an outlined section's node, the entire section is highlighted:
For the ones who care: dark themes save energy as the display takes less power to show them!
Happy Coding

Friday, August 17, 2012

VS 2010 Freezing during Auto Save

Hello World,

           We use Virtual Machines (VM) for some of our development work. These VMs are hosted on a server that is geographically far off (I'm in India while the VM server sits in Western Europe). Time and again there are some applications that do not quite match up with how they would behave on a local desktop. Visual Studio is one such app.
           On my VM, I had this particular issue that when VS was trying to "Auto Save" the project and solution, it would hang up and not respond for some time. I googled up to find out if I could somehow reduce the frequency of auto save and found this blog.
PS: Although the blog talks about VS 2005, the option to set the auto save frequency is located at the same menu in VS 2010. (for a change :))

Happy Coding!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Windows developer power tools

Hello World,

Discovered this great book - Windows Developer Power tools and its companion website. There are a host of open source tools here that would make the life of any developer better. I will try to post about tools as I discover them but there's one which caught my eye straightaway: An MSI Content viewer/extractor called Less MSIerable (have to commend the choice of name :))

It is also worth taking a look at this list of most loved tools.
I've ordered a copy of this book from here. Can't wait to lay my hands on it!

Happy Coding!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

C#: Keeping your stored procedure names maintainable

Hello World,

Necessity is the mother of invention (oft repeated but very true) - as your hair starts greying, (and hairline begins to recede ;) ) you suddenly start to realize the weight of these adages.
One such necessity arose out of my observation that stored procedure names were scattered all across a codebase I was working with. If you ever wanted to change the name of a stored procedure used some context, you had to search the entire codebase and replace all occurances. I did not like this approach and came up with the below approach:

  1. Create a type that holds stored procedure names grouped by module
  2. Read the name of stored procs from this type everywhere else. Now if a change is required it is in one sinlge place
 A sample is given below:

   1:  /// <summary>
   2:      /// Holds the names of stored procedures used by the application
   3:      /// </summary>
   4:      public static class Commands
   5:      {
   6:          /// <summary> Holds the commands to fetch configuration data </summary>
   7:          public static class Config
   8:          {
   9:              /// <summary> The Command to Get a list of websites that are to be processed </summary>
  10:              public const string GetWebsites = "dbo.GetSomeConfig";
  12:              /// <summary> The command to get website specific configuration by it's name </summary>
  13:              public const string GetWebsiteConfiguration = "dbo.GetSomeMoreConfig";
  14:          }
  16:          /// <summary> Holds the commands to fetch Auth data </summary>
  17:          public static class Authentication
  18:          {
  19:              /// <summary> The command to fetch auth info </summary>
  20:              public const string GetAuthenticationType = "dbo.GetAuthType";
  22:              /// <summary> The command to validate user </summary>
  23:              public const string ValidateUser = "dbo.ValidateUser";
  25:                  }
  27:          /// <summary> Holds the commands to fetch related data </summary>
  28:          public static class AnotherModule
  29:          {
  30:                        // More names here
  31:                        ...
  32:          }
  33:      }

Now code that looked like this:

   1:  var cmdConfigSettings = new SqlCommand("dbo.GetSomeConfig", connString)
Will look like this:

   1:  var cmdConfigSettings = new SqlCommand(Commands.Config.GetWebsites, connString)
Happy Coding!

AppSettingsReader class: Get typed values from app.config

Hello World,

I came across this question in one of our coffee table discussions that it should be possible using .NET framework class library to return typed values from application configuration file (app.config) instead of getting all values as string and then typecasting. Turns out, the AppSettingsReader class is tailor made for this.

The following is a sample app.config:

   1:  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
   2:  <configuration>
   3:      <appSettings>
   4:      <add key="doWork" value="true"/>
   5:      <add key="name" value="DoGood"/>
   6:      <add key="sleepFor" value="2"/>
   7:      </appSettings>
   8:  </configuration>
The sample code below shows how the values for the keys can be read as typed:

   1:  using System;
   2:  using System.Configuration;
   4:  namespace ReaderExample
   5:  {
   6:      class Program
   7:      {
   8:          static void Main(string[] args)
   9:          {
  10:              Console.WriteLine("----------Reading Values-----------");
  11:              WriteKeyValue("doWork", typeof(System.Boolean));
  12:              WriteKeyValue("name", typeof(System.String));
  13:              WriteKeyValue("sleepFor", typeof(System.Int32));
  15:              Console.WriteLine("----------Reading Value's Types-----------");
  16:              DisplayTypeOfValueForKey("doWork", typeof(System.Boolean));
  17:              DisplayTypeOfValueForKey("name", typeof(System.String));
  18:              DisplayTypeOfValueForKey("sleepFor", typeof(System.Int32));
  19:              Console.ReadKey();
  20:          }
  22:          static void WriteKeyValue(string keyName, Type typeOfValue)
  23:          {
  24:              AppSettingsReader appSettingsReader = new AppSettingsReader();
  25:              var theValue = appSettingsReader.GetValue(keyName, typeOfValue);
  26:              Console.WriteLine("The value of key {0} is {1}", keyName, theValue);
  27:          }
  29:          static void DisplayTypeOfValueForKey(string keyName, Type typeOfValue)
  30:          {
  31:              AppSettingsReader appSettingsReader = new AppSettingsReader();
  32:              var theValue = appSettingsReader.GetValue(keyName, typeOfValue);
  33:              Console.WriteLine("The type of value of key {0} is {1}", keyName, theValue.GetType());
  34:          }
  35:      }
  36:  }
Where can this be used?
Well, for a start, we all have written code such as below:

   1:  bool doWork = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["doWork"]);
We can do this in a clearer way as below:
   1:  try
   2:  {
   3:    bool? isValidBoolean = appSettingsReader.GetValue("doWork", typeof(System.Boolean)) as bool?;
   4:  }
   5:  catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
   6:  {
   7:    Console.WriteLine("Could not convert!!");
   8:  }
Now, if you check isValidBoolean.HasValue and it returns true, you know you have a valid bool value. isValidBoolean.Value would give you the actual value after you've confirmed that you have a value. One thing though: GetValue method throws an exception if it finds a value that cannot be converted to the specified type.
Does not look too promising? Wait, there's more: Let me show you an implementation using Generics where we can get typed values from app.config, raise exceptions/log if key is not found and even return a default value if the value found is not suitable:
   1:  class TypedAccessor<T>
   2:      {
   3:          // typesafe AppSettingsReader supporting default values
   4:          T _defaultValue;
   5:          bool _required;
   6:          bool _warn;
   7:          string _keyName;
   8:          readonly AppSettingsReader _reader;
  10:          /// <summary>
  11:          /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TypedAccessor&lt;T&gt;"/> class.
  12:          /// </summary>
  13:          /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
  14:          /// <param name="keyName">Name of the key.</param>
  15:          /// <param name="warnIfKeyNotFound">if set to <c>true</c> [warn if key not found].</param>
  16:          /// <param name="isRequired">if set to <c>true</c> [is required].</param>
  17:          /// <param name="defaultValue">The default value.</param>
  18:          public TypedAccessor(AppSettingsReader reader, string keyName, bool warnIfKeyNotFound, bool isRequired, T defaultValue)
  19:          {
  20:              // An additional parameter Logger can be added to trace what is happening here
  21:              _defaultValue = defaultValue;
  22:              _required = isRequired;
  23:              _warn = warnIfKeyNotFound;
  24:              _keyName = keyName;
  25:              _reader = reader;
  26:          }
  28:          /// <summary>
  29:          /// Fetches this instance.
  30:          /// </summary>
  31:          /// <returns>A value of Type T</returns>
  32:          public T Fetch()
  33:          {
  34:              T value;
  36:              if (_warn && !ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.Contains(_keyName))
  37:              {
  38:                  Console.WriteLine("The Key {0} is not present in the app.config file.", _keyName);
  39:                  throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("The Key {0} is not present in the app.config file.", _keyName));
  40:              }
  42:              try
  43:              {
  44:                  value = (T)this._reader.GetValue(this._keyName, typeof(T));
  45:              }
  46:              catch (System.Exception ex)
  47:              {
  48:                  if (_warn)
  49:                  {
  50:                      // Log in a real application
  51:                      Console.WriteLine("Error encountered while fetching value of the Key {0}. Default value will be returned.", _keyName);
  52:                  }
  54:                  if (_required)
  55:                  {
  56:                      // Log in a real application
  57:                      Console.WriteLine("The Key {0} is required, but is not present in the app.config file", _keyName);
  58:                  }
  60:                  value = _defaultValue;
  61:              }
  63:              return value;
  64:          }
  65:      }
How does that look? Looks very promising to me!!
More ideas on making this even more useful:
1) Most (if not all) of the config values would be of a built-in datatype, so an additional check can be added to check if a value is of a built-in type E.g. this stackoverflow discussion
2) You may want to encapsulate the logic of returning a default value to another type something like the below:
a) An enum of key names
b) A Dictionary containing the keyname, default value
c) A method on this type to return the default value for a specified key

Happy Coding